Works Cited


Ashbrook, John. The Pocket Essential Terry Gilliam. Manchester: Pocket Essentials, 2000.

Brazil. Dir. Terry Gilliam. Perf. Jonathan Price, Kin Greist, and Michael Palin. Universal, 1985.
Gilliam, Terry. Gilliam on Gilliam. London: Faber and Faber, 2000.

Gilliam, Terry, Charles Alverson and Bob McCabe. Brazil: The Evolution of the 54th Best British Film Ever Made. London: Orion, 2001.

Mathews, Jack. The Battle of Brazil. New York: Crown Books, 1987.

Rushdie, Salman. “Salman Rushdie Talks With Terry Gilliam.” March 2003. The Believer. 17 November 2007. <>.

Sterritt, David and Lucille Rhodes. Terry Gilliam Interviews. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2004.

Taylor, Rumsey. “Senses of Cinema: Terry Gilliam.” November 2003. Senses of Cinema. 17 November 2007. <>.

Dreams: The Terry Gilliam Fanzine -- ultimate source on Gilliam

The Terry Gilliam Files -- a compilation of interviews and behind-the-scenes stories

Brazil on IMDb -- trailers, photos, trivia, and reviews -- includes a biography

PythOnline's Daily Llama -- dedicated to the entire Monty Python troupe, but also features a selection written by or about Gilliam

Brazil Trailer -- from

YouTube: Sam at Information Retrieval -- a clip from the film which shows the bureacracy of Brazil at work

All images courtesy of Universal Pictures